


  • Maďarská zemiaková polievka s klobásou, cibuľou a syrom 1

    Hungarian potato soup with sausage, onion and cheese

    1,29 0,33l
  • Zeleninová polievka 9

    Vegetable soup

    1,29 0,33l

Main dish

  • Vyprážaný kurací gordon bleu so syrom a šunkou, opekané zemiaky, tatárska omáčka 1,3,7

    Fried chicken cordon bleu with cheese and ham, baked potatoes, tartar sauce

    6,49 320g
  • Pirôžky plnené slivkovou náplňou so škoricou a opraženou strúhankou, preliate maslom 1,3,7

    Pasta stuffed with plum filling and cinnamon, fried breadcrumbs, butter

    6,49 450g

Business menu

  • Maďarský držkový paprikáš, smotaovo-pažítkové halušky 1,3,7

    Hungarian tripe stew in cream sauce, cream parsley dumplings

    8,49 450g
The weight of meat is given in its raw state. The weight of non meat food is given in a final state.
Print menu