


  • Bavorská gulášová polievka z pečených hovädzích a bravčových rebier 1,9

    Goulash soup from baked beef and pork ribs

    1,29 0,33l
  • Zeleninová polievka 9

    Vegetable soup

    1,29 0,33l

Main dish

  • Vyprážaný filet morskej šťuky, slovenský zemiakový šalát 1,3,4,7

    Fried pike fillet, Slovak potato salad

    6,49 320g
  • Čevapčiči s červenou cibuľou a horčicou, zemiaková kaša 1,3,10

    Grilled minced meat with onion and mustard, mashed potatoes

    6,49 420g
  • Vegetariánske sójové guľky s humusom, tortilou a restovanou zeleninou 1,6

    Vegetarian soya balls with hummus, tortilla and roasted vegetable

    6,49 400g

Business menu

  • Bravčová panenka na grile, bylinková omáčka, rukolla, zemiakové gnocchi 1,3,7,10

    Grilled pork tenderloin, herbaceous sauce, arugula, potato gnocchi

    8,49 450g
The weight of meat is given in its raw state. The weight of non meat food is given in a final state.
Print menu