


  • Hubová polievka so zemiakmi 1,7

    Mushroom soup with potatoes

    1,29 0,33l
  • Jablkovo zelerová s chilli 1,7,9

    Apple ginger with chili soup

    1,29 0,33l

Main dish

  • Bravčové soté so zeleninou, dusená ryža 1

    Sauteed pork with vegetable, steamed rice

    6,49 470g
  • Vyprážaný kurací rezeň, zemiaková kaša 1,3,7

    Fried chicken cutlet, mashed potatoes

    6,49 450g
  • Dukátové buchtičky s vanilkovým krémom 1,3,7

    Small buns in vanilla cream

    6,49 450g

Business menu

  • Ceasar šalát s grilovanými kuracími prsiami a parmezánom 4,7,10

    Caesar salad with grilled chicken breast and parmesan

    8,49 450g
The weight of meat is given in its raw state. The weight of non meat food is given in a final state.
Print menu